Irish Garb: Part 4

Early Medieval Irish Garb Part 4: The Rest of the Outfit To read about sources about Irish garb, see Irish Garb: Part 1 . To read about materials, colors and decoration, see Irish Garb: Part 2 . To read about the hooded tunic, see Irish Garb: Part 3 . Terms: Beyond the basic léine (1) , or tunic, the Irish had a variety of accessories for dressing themselves, and even more words for those garments. Just like blouse, camisole, polo, long-sleeve, tank-top, jersey, and t-shirt are all modern English words referring to shirts today, the same basic piece of clothing could have a variety of names in Old Irish. Thus the following terms represent only the most basic 'type' names for the garments that make up the full Irish outfit. Triús ( trubus , trús ): trews, trousers, breeches, leggings Cris ( creassanna ): belt Inar ( ionar , plural = inair ): short tunic, vest, long-sleeve jacket, coat, poncho Bratt : cloak, mantle, blanket Caille ( calla ): veil, headdress, c...